Protect Your Tenants: Fire Risk Assessments For Landlords

Released On 20th Nov 2023

Protect Your Tenants: Fire Risk Assessments For Landlords

Are you a landlord? 

In today’s post, we will be informing you of the key elements within fire risk assessments to ensure you’re aware of the responsibilities that you have.

What is a fire risk assessment?

They assess and pinpoint potential fire safety risks and provide recommendations ensuring safety for your property and occupants.

Do you need to carry out them out?

As the 'responsible person,' landlords hold the responsibility of conducting them regularly using a comprehensive checklist against any fire hazards. If a landlord does not carry them out which they are obligated to keep their tenants safe, they are liable for an unlimited fine or prison time.

How often does it need doing? 

There is not a legal requirement that states the time allowed between fire risk assessments, instead states that the responsible person completes a regular review making sure that it is up to date. 

For any low-rise blocks of up to three stories that have been built in the last 20 years, it has been recommended by the guidance on fire safety in purpose-built blocks of flats that it is reviewed every 2 years and is redone every 4 years.

For blocks that are older or higher and are at more risk of a fire, they should be reviewed every year and redone every three years. For an extremely high risk building it is recommended that they are completed once a year.

Our expert team is dedicated to delivering thorough assessments tailored specifically for flats and providing landlords with structured steps to ensure the safety of all tenants within the building. We provide detailed reports, highlighting potential hazards and offering prioritised action plans to promptly implement necessary safety measures.

Let us assist you in creating a safer living environment.

Contact us today for top-quality fire risk assessment services. 

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