Fire Hazards present within manufacturing

Released On 12th Jul 2023

Fire Hazards present within manufacturing

Manufacturing facilities are the highest fire risk facilities in the UK with 1749 fire in 2020/21.

It may be unsurprising fact that manufacturing industries are most at risk of fire hazards, but this risk can be mitigated by addressing some of the key factors that can lead to fires breaking out in the factory that you may not have considered:

1. Flammable materials: Manufacturing often involves the use, storage, or handling of flammable substances such as chemicals, solvents, fuels, gases, and combustible materials. If not properly stored or handled, these materials can ignite.

2. Hot work operations: Welding, cutting, brazing, or soldering operations conducted during manufacturing processes involve high temperatures and open flames. Without adequate safety measures, such activities can lead to sparks or slag that can ignite nearby flammable materials or gases.

3. Combustible dust: Certain manufacturing processes, such as woodworking, metalworking, or food processing, can generate combustible dust particles. If these particles accumulate in sufficient quantities and come into contact with an ignition source, they can ignite and result in a dust explosion.

4. Machinery and equipment: Manufacturing facilities usually house various machinery and equipment that generate heat or have moving parts. Mechanical failures, electrical malfunctions, overheating, or friction can lead to sparks or excessive heat, which can ignite nearby flammable materials or lubricants.

As a BAFE and NAFRAR tier 3 certified risk assessors, us here at CSAR Fire are qualified to perform comprehensive assessments your manufacturing premises to develop appropriate hazard mitigation strategies, and provide you with the on going documentation and record keeping to ensure that your factory is fire safe.

Contact us to book a fire risk assessment for your manufacturing facility.